About Us

Full-service marketing agency since 2001


Our Work

Our Newest Project

Full service campaign for the first Macedonian streaming platform Gley, including logo design, marketing strategies, social media campaigns, video campaigns, and media related services that follow a creative and innovative approach for the official launch of the first national streaming platform. 

Why choose Division as your

go-to marketing agency?


Let’s put our heads together to evoke change in your brand.

Here’s how we’ll do it:

Social Media Marketing

We offer the best solutions for the digital needs of our clients. How do we do it? By analyzing data, by researching the market, by the development and execution of strategies, we leave behind a big digital footprint online. Our team of social media experts can help grow your presence in the digital world by using creative designs and eye-catching content. 

Video Marketing

Video is essential, it being a powerful tool that helps tell creative stories, through them fostering experiences that are memorable, moving and inspiring. Video marketing increases user engagement, brand awareness, and conversions more than any other digital medium. Our creative process consists of four major steps: copywriting, production, post-production and distribution.


Unlimited design solutions that will make products or brands of our clients visible. The most effective marketing is paired with powerful design. Our design does not only sell a product or service, but it takes our brands’ customers along for a new experience, endlessly contributing to the identity of a client’s brand name.

(SEO) Services

Our SEO experts provide online marketing solutions that will make your business show up on higher search engine rankings. We believe in developing customer-focused SEO strategies that last long term by efficiently directing web traffic, leading to an increase in online visibility, higher sales and gaining more conversions.

Market Research

Market research, as an important step that brands should take before committing to any new major business strategies, allows us, as a full service marketing agency, to uncover valuable information to render guidance in the development of said business strategies.


“In the beginning was the Word”… Even the greatest ideas don’t amount to much if you can’t put them into words… Every ad, article and social media post needs words to tell a story, to stir inspiration and to call to action. We have word wizards in our copy-writing team.


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